Coworking restaurant, how to combine tradition and remote working.

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In this article we talk about how a cowoking restaurant can be an optimal solution to combine food business and remote working. Office rents are expensive for the pockets of many young professionals and the new very small companies created by the kids often cannot afford office costs. So how do you get a workspace? The answer has long since arrived with the coworking concept.

It is a form of sharing of the work environment by various figures, often young professionals, who, despite working in the same space, maintain an independent activity. .

Together they share a rent that weighs less, and maybe even find a way to collaborate in synergy, in some business opportunity.
However, for some kids, even this formula can be too complicated or expensive (you still need to maintain a monthly rent), and on the basis of this reflection, the formula of the Russian Ziberflats has been (re)discovered, even in Italy, the bars where you don't pay for what you consume, but for the time.

Some examples of this hybrid formula are:

What does it take to open a coworking corner inside your own restaurant?

  • First of all, a comfortable environment, well lit and with comfortable seats;
  • a broadband line, better if fiber and powerful;
  • a printer to be made available to coworkers
  • a dedicated space if the restaurant is also open for lunch,
  • convenient sockets at the various dedicated stations.

At a bureaucratic level, it is necessary to make a change in the statute of one's company to also insert the ATECO code of the coworking activity.

Is it worth opening a coworking space within your own restaurant? Let's do some calculations.

What the customer pays for in the case of a coworking is not the meals, or at least not only, but the time. The places that we have analyzed in Europe and North America that we have reported in the previous paragraph ask for rates of 4 euros for the first hour and 3 for the following hours (but it is possible to sign monthly or annual contracts). In these places there is often too a small free buffet available (almost like in airport lounges) which often also includes tea, coffee and cappuccino.

Let's try to to do a little bit? of accounts.
Assuming a flow of 30 customers/users for 4 hours each; with the rates we've seen, would it be 13? the one.

Total 390? per day, so about 7800? per month for 20 monthly opening days. To which, of course, are added the drinks that the various coworkers will make from the kitchens of the restaurant for which it is easy to hypothesize an additional income compared to the classic restaurant business of about 10,000 ? per month.

The added value of Changes Coworking in launching this project.

The goal of this article is to provide some operational insights on the validity of the coworking restaurant business, it is also true that perhaps if your business is catering, perhaps you may not have all the skills necessary to make this activity truly profitable.

  • Do you already know how much to invest in marketing and which channels to use?
  • Are you able to carry out a market analysis capable of defining the action and tariff plan to be competitive in the area?
  • Do you have a network or portal where you enter your spaces and the possibility of booking them online?

If you want to learn more about this topic here links you can go deeper how Changes coworking can help you achieve this business diversification

Until next time,

Giorgio Cappelli