From smartwoking to nearworking: the Municipality of Milan innovates the PA

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Use of coworking spaces, new smaller decentralized offices, agile working. The plan to build “the city of 15 minutes.

The the municipality of Milan proposes new formulas for the work of its employees and municipal subsidiaries in the Covid era: avoid gatherings in offices, but also ensure that working hours run smoothly under changed conditions.

Thus the guidelines for the implementation of operational proposals oriented to the decongestion, the desynchronization of timetables and a better organization of city times, approved by the municipal council. 

Since the introduction of the agile work as a consolidated operating mode touse of city coworking spaces, passing through the services performed in "nearworking", understood as the possibility of working in a place near one's home or domicile.

The the municipality of Milan is working on a plan to redesign the city. Palazzo Marino would like the city to become the city of 15 minutes, inspired by a model already in vogue in Paris thanks to the mayor Anne Hidalgor. To summarize, everything (including work and services) should be able to be reached in a maximum of a quarter of an hour's journey, whether by one's own transport, public transport or on foot. 

The keywords of this project are: sustainable mobility, vitality of neighborhoods and efficient infrastructures. 

The goal is to bring the workplace closer to home thus favoring a revival of no longer dormitory neighborhoods, but with services and new commercial activities resulting reduction of time and emissions deriving from the daily commuting of commutersthe. The experimentation is part of the general redesign of the city's times, due to the Covid emergency, but it represents a valid model in itself, to be proposed also to the private sector, useful for improving the life of the city and the reconciliation between times of life and times of work for individuals ”. 

There are two main areas of intervention envisaged by the guidelines, from the adoption of the POLA (Organizational Plan for Agile Work) which sees the consolidation of agile work as a complementary working method to the face-to-face activity which will also be accompanied by the experimentation of one new time flexibility in entry and exit, in addition to one new technological and digital equipment for staff in order to improve their performances and monitor their working activities to favor a better quality of the services provided, also in relation to a ever greater social responsibility of male and female workers towards the community. No longer an hourly measurement of work performance but on timed objectives to be achieved, "The time you dedicate to us or where you work from is not important but the result you achieve".

A transformation that also involves a radical rethinking of physical workplaces, no longer fixed but dynamic, indispensable for promoting the spread of local neighborhood and proximity services for citizens as well as limiting transfers from the periphery to the center, thus helping to develop a real polycentric and inclusive city. With this in mind, the administration will endeavor to identify evverify the availability of spaces owned by the Municipality of Milan, distributed throughout the city, to be used as nearworking offices. To this will be added the possibility of evaluating the availability anduse of existing coworking spaces. You will then also experience the opportunity to use company offices, also belonging to companies owned by the Municipality of Milan, for employees of the Administration in agile work.   

If before Covid the work was carried out at 100% from the fixed office of the municipal office today it is assumed that, after the pandemic, 2-3 days a week the work will be carried out at nearworking or coworking locations while the rest of time at the traditional office. This will undoubtedly allow an improvement of the work life balance of the employee who will have more free time and less stress induced by traffic congestion.

Fundamental for the start of the new times of the city and work, the construction in the coming months of a unitary control room which will see the Municipality of Milan interfacing not only with its own internal departments and with all the investee companies but also with the main employers' associations. A necessary comparison in order to define and launch experimental actions also supported by one institutional communication campaign, created in collaboration with Yes Milan, to promote a new culture of agile work and coworking and nearworking spaces.  

Giorgio Cappelli