The importance of procedures in franchising

man in white dress shirt sitting on black rolling chair while facing black computer set and smiling

Marco Sinceri and Lorenzo Grillo of Changes Coworking talking about the importance of procedures in franchising, a fundamental aspect for affiliates who want to be successful.

man in white dress shirt sitting on black rolling chair while facing black computer set and smiling

Introduction to the procedures in franchising

In the world of franchising, having an organized and replicable system is essential for success. In this interview, Lorenzo Grillo, co-founder of Changes Coworking, discusses with Marco Sinceri, franchising expert and consultant, the importance of procedures and operating manuals to maintain consistency and quality across the various affiliates of a franchise. The central theme is how to make a topic perceived as dry “sexy,” or the importance of procedures and their control for the growth and sustainability of a business.

Franchising Procedures: An Indispensable Tool for Success

The main topic Lorenzo and Marco address is the need to implement standardized procedures in the franchising world. Using Marco's experience in companies like McDonald's, they emphasize the importance of creating operating manuals that are not just "rules on paper", but practical and useful tools to ensure consistency and quality. Well-defined procedures help replicate winning business models, regardless of the context in which the franchises are located.

Marco cites a famous example from the film The Founder, in which the McDonald brothers design a kitchen layout on a tennis court to optimize staff movements. This scene, for Marco, perfectly represents the logic of continuous improvement that every franchise should adopt. Every decision, every process, should be designed to maximize efficiency and continuously improve, with the ultimate goal of satisfying the customer and ensuring the success of the business.

Creating the Operations Manual: A Guide to Success

Marco explains that a good operating manual is what allows an affiliate to replicate a successful system. This tool must be clear, concise and easily understandable, providing precise instructions on how to manage every aspect of the business. A practical example cited is that of assembling an IKEA piece of furniture: even without experience, by carefully following the instructions, it is possible to complete the assembly successfully.

There are two main approaches to writing a manual: a purely formal and defensive one, in which the franchisor writes the manual to protect himself legally in case of errors, and another, more constructive one, in which the manual is designed to give the franchisee all the tools to do well. The second approach, Marco says, is the one that leads to success, since it creates a relationship of trust and support between the franchisor and the franchisee.

The importance of verification: the audit as a tool for improvement

Una procedura ben scritta non ha valore se non viene controllata e verificata. Marco introduce l’importanza dell’audit, uno strumento fondamentale per assicurarsi che le procedure vengano seguite correttamente. L?audit non deve essere visto come un controllo punitivo, ma come un’opportunità per identificare aree di miglioramento e supportare il franchisee nel raggiungimento degli standard richiesti. Marco sottolinea l’importanza di fare dell’audit una pratica costante, affermando che “la potenza è nulla senza controllo”, citando una celebre pubblicità della Pirelli.

L?audit deve essere obiettivo e misurabile, senza lasciare spazio a interpretazioni personali. Un buon audit analizza ogni dettaglio operativo, senza accontentarsi della “sufficienza”. La verifica delle procedure è cruciale per garantire che ogni cliente riceva un?esperienza coerente e di qualità, indipendentemente da quale franchising stia visitando.

The evolution of procedures with Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Un aspetto interessante esplorato durante il talk è l’integrazione della tecnologia nelle procedure aziendali. Marco riconosce che l’intelligenza artificiale (AI) ha già iniziato a influenzare la creazione e la gestione dei manuali operativi. Ad esempio, oggi è possibile realizzare manuali digitali e interattivi, con video, immagini e aggiornamenti in tempo reale, migliorando l?efficienza nella formazione e nel controllo delle operazioni.

L?audit stesso è stato rivoluzionato dalla tecnologia. In passato, Marco ricorda che gli audit venivano eseguiti con moduli cartacei e richiedevano giorni per essere completati e analizzati. Oggi, grazie all?uso di tablet e software dedicati, è possibile eseguire audit in tempo reale, allegando foto, video e note, e ottenere un report completo entro pochi minuti dalla fine dell?audit. Questo non solo rende il processo più veloce, ma anche più accurato e facilmente accessibile.

Training as a pillar for success

Another crucial theme touched upon by Marco is the importance of training. It is not enough to write a good operating manual or carry out periodic audits if people are not adequately trained to follow and apply those procedures. Training must be continuous and planned, covering both the initial phase (when an affiliate joins the franchise) and the operational phase, with constant updates and checks.

Changes Coworking ha capito l?importanza della formazione, investendo risorse in sessioni formative sia per il proprio team che per i franchisee. Questa formazione non si limita a sessioni teoriche, ma include affiancamento in loco, workshop tematici su argomenti specifici e aggiornamenti periodici tramite piattaforme digitali. Questo approccio garantisce che ogni affiliato non solo conosca le procedure, ma sappia anche come applicarle correttamente.

Final Thoughts on Franchising Procedures

In this talk, Lorenzo Grillo and Marco Sinceri highlighted the crucial importance of procedures, operating manuals and checks in the world of franchising. A well-made manual is not just a set of rules, but a fundamental tool to ensure the consistency and quality of the service offered. The integration of technology and artificial intelligence is already transforming the way procedures are created and checked, but continuous training remains the essential pillar for success.

For those who want to start a franchise or improve their existing network, investing time and resources in creating and testing procedures is an essential step. Changes Coworking is a practical example of this, demonstrating how attention to operational details can make a difference in the long term.

If you are interested in learning how Changes Coworking supports its affiliates through well-structured procedures and ongoing training, Contact us to find out how to join our network and start a successful coworking space.