Real Estate Market Offices 2021

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men and women having a meeting

In the first half of 2020, the office real estate sector was characterized by a positive trend, slightly growing compared to previous years.

Milan stands out among all the other cities analysed, with a prime rent recorded in the central areas of €585/m2/year. The new business center in the Porta Garibaldi area confirms itself as a highly sought-after square, with an annual rent corresponding to €450 per square meter. Rome records the maximum rent in the center (415 €/m2/year), which has grown by approximately 12% in the last two years.

In the central areas of other Italian cities, the values of
Florence (325 €/m2/year), Bologna (240 €/m2/year) and Turin (210 €/m2/year).

Regarding the vacancy time, without considering Milan and Rome,
characterized by lower values than the other Italian cities examined, the
average recorded in the central areas is 9.9 months, while in the peripheral areas it reaches 16 months.

General Framework for Macrozone. Source World Capital

Tabella riassuntiva changes coworking

In the real estate panorama of buying, selling or renting there is a large number of office properties which are difficult to place on the market.

The causes are different, including the economic crisis of recent years. This has produced an increase in working spaces, offices, which are not very attractive for investors due to the changed economic characteristics.

This reduction in the demand for office spaces has created an increasing number of real estate units or even entire buildings to be placed on the market for rent or sale.

A possible solution to the crisis in the sector seems to be a new way of thinking about the office space; the Coworking or the business center.

We from Changes we take care of precisely this, offering the necessary know-how to successfully transform an empty office that is difficult to place on the market into an excellent business prospect.

Find out more by visiting our site.

Until next time,

Giorgio Cappelli