Grow up together,
in Changes

Our spaces are gods places where growth and improvement find fertile ground. It is essential for us to cultivate these two values and allow our community to grow and transform change into reality.

To achieve this goal and allow our coworkers to achieve
their goals.
To offer a 360 ° evolutionary opportunity, we have identified several partners, in different sectors, so as to offer services that improve the personal and professional sphere of each member.

Life partnership


Dedicated services, discounts and digital tools for companies and private solutions at discounted prices

Bit mobility permette di coworker di changes di muoversi in libertà


Move freely in every Italian city served by BitMobility scooters

Food partnership

bahlsen i partner dolciario di Changes coworking


The confectionery partner of Changes, present in each of our centers for coffee breaks and snacks.

Planeat è il partner food di Changes Milano per garantire ai coworker cibo sano


Eating in Changes is easy and healthy. Fresh dishes every day, to eat with us.

galup partner per Natale di Changes coworking


For an internal event or a Christmas present for your customers in Changes is Galup

Partnership for growth

Changes Coworking Partner Lacerba


Lacerba was born to bring digital skills to Italy in an innovative, fast and easy way to use for anyone who wanted to grow.

Changes Coworking Partner Life Learning


The classic classroom training is out of date. We want to help you learn, breaking down the barriers of time and space forever.

Changes Coworking Partner Linco

Linco Talent

LinCo is the reference Talent Community for selected independent consultants and for
companies and consultancy firms.

Changes Coworking Partner Accademia Domani

Academy Tomorrow

Accademia Domani was the first Italian company to do large-scale online training with certifications

Enter the
Changes community!

Become a Changes coworker and join our community!